Established in 1989, Heritage Academy is an Ontario Inspected Private school specifically designed for students with Dyslexia and other language based exceptionalities.
Our specialized environments and smaller class sizes also prove effective for students with
ADD/ADHD, ASD Level 1, anxiety and attention-based exceptionalities.
Our mission is to provide each student with the support they deserve to enable them to reach their full academic potential. By promoting the values of honesty, perseverance, and respect, Heritage Academy fosters acceptance and growth among our students.
Ranked the top private school in Ottawa in 2023 and again in 2024, our school offers the
Ministry of Ontario curriculum with engaging and hands-on approaches.
We utilize the Simultaneous Multisensory Teaching (S.M.T.) method and Enseignement multisensoriel simultané (E.M.S.) for students that struggle with phonemic awareness, as well as the Heggerty program with students in grades primary grades. This ensures all students with language-based challenges receive the support they need.
Internationally recognized as leaders in the field of dyslexia, our school utilizes a multifaceted approach that nurtures creativity, promotes physical well-being, and integrates additional support when required. This approach ensures students are well-prepared for success as they progress through their educational journey, transitioning from elementary school to high school. This solid foundation equips students to confidently pursue their desired post-secondary paths.
As you scroll through the pages of our site you will get a glimpse of our strength, inclusive environments and innovative differentiated teaching methods.
Heritage Academy has been a leading Private school in the Ottawa area for 35 years. We engage a variety of teaching methods to connect to all learners with a multitude of abilities and interests. Our aim is to provide a comfortable environment that motivates all students to reach their full potential. We are a community-centric environment centered around the collaboration of the students, parents and educators.
Of course our website can not take the place of a visit to our school.
We warmly invite you to contact us today for more information and/or to set up a time to take a tour and learn more. admission@heritage-academy.com
Cheryl Ward